(26) From Jurassic Park to Minesweeper

12 04 2011

Time to see more of Bolivia, so I was heading south to the city of Sucre. Nearby there were found some footsteps of dinosaurs, so they built a museum next to it which was quite informative.


How big is your footprint?


Something has survived…

Having seen that museum made me wanna watch Jurassic Park again, instead I got to see the Motorcyle Diaries, which is as well a quite inspiring movie.

Also Sucre has some nice parks which is not too common in Bolivia:


The mini eiffel tower in Sucre

Sucre was followed by Potosi, one of the highest cities in the world. The reason for the people living there is simple: There is a mountain called Cerro Rico, whose minerals (mainly silver) have been exploited for nearly 500 years now. And those mines can be visited daily by interested groups and of course I was interested as well.


On my way to Cerro Rico, where all the silver is found


3 hobby miners + guide Rolando

A visit there definitively shows you that there is some work way harder than the thing you are doing. Also the visit made me think about the fact that in some years when there is no more silver to dug for the whole city might be a ghost town, as there will be no more reason for people to live here.




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